My Beachbody Transformation
First off I want to thank you for visiting my page. Hopefully the story you're about to read will inspire you to be fit. My name is Jerome Baugh and before my encounter with Beachbody I was the guy wanted to accomplish a goal of an athlete in Table Tennis, more commonly know as Ping Pong. Upon hearing that you may be laughing and saying to yourself, is that even a real sport or that's not something you have to train for. Contrary to what you may think its a very strategic sport that requires lots of conditioning and practice. If you don't believe me look it on youtube. When I had the interest to play this sport I weighed 220 lbs, that is not an appropriate weight to be for table tennis especially when I was not in shape. I had no idea how to work out properly and my knowledge of dieting wasn't the best but I had some idea of what to eat and what not to eat. I wanted to workout but my previous trials of those ended in failure because I didn't have a plan and I had no idea of how I should progress my body. However, I stumbled upon a pilates workout DVD that my mom owned. I used it consistently and got results but I wasn't happy with them. I dropped 10 lbs in 2 months of using it. The pilates DVD gave me those "shaped buns" and strong core that it promised, but I wanted more. With those results I couldn't do much with them on the Table Tennis court and I didn't care much for "shaped buns", people who knew me recognized that I lost weight, but I still saw myself as FAT. See the picture above and tell me what you think.
Some time after my brother got the idea to acquire the Insanity DVD workout program. He was saying I should do it, but I was afraid that I might become to ripped and become inflexible to the point where it would be counterproductive to me playing Table Tennis, MAN WAS I WRONG ABOUT THAT. I spoke to a friend of mine in the sports science field about what I was doing versus insanity and in short he said that Insanity would be exponentially better, so I took it for a spin and in 2 months time the guy in the picture on the right at the top came into existence. It was a hard and painful process to become that guy, but it was worth it. If this is what happened in 2 months to me imagine what 2 months with a Beachbody program can do to you.
Going through Insanity was one of the hardest things I've ever done in my life, but sticking with the program was worth it. The program comes with a nutrition guide and from there I understood a whole lot more on how to eat, and as for a plan the program told which DVD to use on which day so I was covered from there. All I had to do was stick with it and the results came. Now literally after one week of Insanity I saw and felt results. I kept doing this until I was to the end and that issue about being inflexible was addressed, I had no idea that a person would sweat or become tired from stretching. The program opened up my eyes as to how a person needed conduct their self to achieve fitness. This was the idea that had me thinking maybe I should become a Beachbody coach.
My fitness progress doesn't stop there, it continued with P90X and P90X2 and those weren't walks in the park either. Each of these programs had its own challenges which made me push more excelled at my fitness. As I'm working with these programs, I usually post my results on my Facebook page to provide motivation to people so they can see that achieving these results aren't myth, but a something that can become a reality. I've been to gyms before and my experience with them is that they're great, but if you were like me who went to the gym and you don't know what you're doing you'll be wasting your time and money. Also if you want help in the gym you usually have to pay for that in the form of a personal trainer, if you don't have friends with knowledge on how to work out. That leads to more money, but all that could go to waste if you don't know how to eat properly and this why I prefer Beachbody over gyms. Beachbody gives free advice on eating, gives you the tools to succeed at working out, and provides an online community for you to gain any support from.
As a Beachbody Coach I can provide that motivational support and diet advice to you. While I'm saying this be aware that I'm doing it for a profit, for my profit if you should ever purchase anything from me and for your own profit. Hopefully you've enjoyed this long soliloquy and haven't fallen asleep from reading this. If you have any questions about how to you can better your body then you can go the "contact me" section leave a response and I'll get back to you as soon as I can or you may visit my Facebook Page.
Some time after my brother got the idea to acquire the Insanity DVD workout program. He was saying I should do it, but I was afraid that I might become to ripped and become inflexible to the point where it would be counterproductive to me playing Table Tennis, MAN WAS I WRONG ABOUT THAT. I spoke to a friend of mine in the sports science field about what I was doing versus insanity and in short he said that Insanity would be exponentially better, so I took it for a spin and in 2 months time the guy in the picture on the right at the top came into existence. It was a hard and painful process to become that guy, but it was worth it. If this is what happened in 2 months to me imagine what 2 months with a Beachbody program can do to you.
Going through Insanity was one of the hardest things I've ever done in my life, but sticking with the program was worth it. The program comes with a nutrition guide and from there I understood a whole lot more on how to eat, and as for a plan the program told which DVD to use on which day so I was covered from there. All I had to do was stick with it and the results came. Now literally after one week of Insanity I saw and felt results. I kept doing this until I was to the end and that issue about being inflexible was addressed, I had no idea that a person would sweat or become tired from stretching. The program opened up my eyes as to how a person needed conduct their self to achieve fitness. This was the idea that had me thinking maybe I should become a Beachbody coach.
My fitness progress doesn't stop there, it continued with P90X and P90X2 and those weren't walks in the park either. Each of these programs had its own challenges which made me push more excelled at my fitness. As I'm working with these programs, I usually post my results on my Facebook page to provide motivation to people so they can see that achieving these results aren't myth, but a something that can become a reality. I've been to gyms before and my experience with them is that they're great, but if you were like me who went to the gym and you don't know what you're doing you'll be wasting your time and money. Also if you want help in the gym you usually have to pay for that in the form of a personal trainer, if you don't have friends with knowledge on how to work out. That leads to more money, but all that could go to waste if you don't know how to eat properly and this why I prefer Beachbody over gyms. Beachbody gives free advice on eating, gives you the tools to succeed at working out, and provides an online community for you to gain any support from.
As a Beachbody Coach I can provide that motivational support and diet advice to you. While I'm saying this be aware that I'm doing it for a profit, for my profit if you should ever purchase anything from me and for your own profit. Hopefully you've enjoyed this long soliloquy and haven't fallen asleep from reading this. If you have any questions about how to you can better your body then you can go the "contact me" section leave a response and I'll get back to you as soon as I can or you may visit my Facebook Page.