Bear with me, I'm going to say a lot of things that will be somewhat scientific and long winded, but there's a big point I'm making with this.
Typical breakfast for people on a 3 meal diet.
*1-2 eggs- each egg has 6 grams of protein
*2-4 strips of bacon- each strip of bacon has 2-3 grams of protein (depending of the type of bacon)
*2 slices of bread- each slice has 20-25 grams of carbs
*a glass of orange (roughly 1 serving)- 26 grams of carbs
*2 slices of cheese- each slice has 9 grams of fat
For this example I've only highlighted the nutritional values people expect when having these foods. There are other stats that associated with these foods but I don't want to reveal every detail just yet. This meal will provide you with at least-
30-48 grams of protein (protein is also in bread and cheese)
68-78 grams of carbs (carbs is found in cheese but a very small amount)
37-48 grams of fat (fats are also in eggs, bacon and bread)
An average person here is someone who doesn’t have a physically demanding day or exercises. An average person should consume protein equivalent .37(for lbs) or .8(for kg) times their weight. Example a 200lb person should consume at least 74 grams of protein (200*.37=74). In terms of carbs there is less restrictions, but you still want to consume an amount conducive for your goal. You should get somewhere between 200-400 grams of carbs. As for fat, somewhere between 40-80 grams of fat. If you have a job where you are a profession paper pusher (PPP) stay closer to 200 grams of carbs and 40 grams of fat. If you're a bit more active in your day where you perform errands consistently then you should go a little higher than the previously stated amounts. If you're really active in your day like someone who does construction work you will need to eat more. Remember this is for someone who isn't working out.
If you're trying to workout the math on this by rationing your meals, then the ratio will look like this: 25% Protein, 65%carbs and 10% fats. This is what you'll see other websites recommend for people, I'm not trying to make any claim against them. If you read my notes in the dieting section you'll see how my information and their may differ. What I offer on dieting in my notes is for those who are dieting for a leaner body and for working out.
Idealistically you never want the amount of fat you consume to be equivalent or greater than the amount of protein you’re consuming unless you’re working out like a professional athlete, putting in somewhere between 3-8 hours of exercise.
With a traditional breakfast like this many people are consuming more fat than they need. This alone contributes to the weight gain if a person isn’t putting in the work to burn up the fats and carbs they consume.
To make a meal like this more productive to your needs get egg whites instead of eggs. You cut out some of the protein but you’ll cut out all the fat associated with the eggs. The amount of fat in an egg is nearly equivalent to the amount of protein in an egg. That same notion holds true for bacon as well. You won’t be able to cut out the fat of bacon but you can replace the food entirely. You may use more egg whites to do so. Stick with whole wheat bread as opposed to white wheat bread. Whole wheat foods contain slightly less fat but more vitamins.
With the sample breakfast I just provided I’d like to point out that the problem with most diets is that it contains an amount of fat people just don’t use. Cut out the fat and you’ll contribute to being slimmer. This does not mean you should be consuming 0 grams of fat for your meals, I’m just saying to eat less fat.
Weight loss through dieting only takes more time than accomplish than through dieting and exercising. If you're planning to be on a 3 meal diet weight loss will happen slower. The fastest and healthiest way to lose weight is through dieting and exercise.
You can always ask questions about this blog or anything else on my website.
Typical breakfast for people on a 3 meal diet.
*1-2 eggs- each egg has 6 grams of protein
*2-4 strips of bacon- each strip of bacon has 2-3 grams of protein (depending of the type of bacon)
*2 slices of bread- each slice has 20-25 grams of carbs
*a glass of orange (roughly 1 serving)- 26 grams of carbs
*2 slices of cheese- each slice has 9 grams of fat
For this example I've only highlighted the nutritional values people expect when having these foods. There are other stats that associated with these foods but I don't want to reveal every detail just yet. This meal will provide you with at least-
30-48 grams of protein (protein is also in bread and cheese)
68-78 grams of carbs (carbs is found in cheese but a very small amount)
37-48 grams of fat (fats are also in eggs, bacon and bread)
An average person here is someone who doesn’t have a physically demanding day or exercises. An average person should consume protein equivalent .37(for lbs) or .8(for kg) times their weight. Example a 200lb person should consume at least 74 grams of protein (200*.37=74). In terms of carbs there is less restrictions, but you still want to consume an amount conducive for your goal. You should get somewhere between 200-400 grams of carbs. As for fat, somewhere between 40-80 grams of fat. If you have a job where you are a profession paper pusher (PPP) stay closer to 200 grams of carbs and 40 grams of fat. If you're a bit more active in your day where you perform errands consistently then you should go a little higher than the previously stated amounts. If you're really active in your day like someone who does construction work you will need to eat more. Remember this is for someone who isn't working out.
If you're trying to workout the math on this by rationing your meals, then the ratio will look like this: 25% Protein, 65%carbs and 10% fats. This is what you'll see other websites recommend for people, I'm not trying to make any claim against them. If you read my notes in the dieting section you'll see how my information and their may differ. What I offer on dieting in my notes is for those who are dieting for a leaner body and for working out.
Idealistically you never want the amount of fat you consume to be equivalent or greater than the amount of protein you’re consuming unless you’re working out like a professional athlete, putting in somewhere between 3-8 hours of exercise.
With a traditional breakfast like this many people are consuming more fat than they need. This alone contributes to the weight gain if a person isn’t putting in the work to burn up the fats and carbs they consume.
To make a meal like this more productive to your needs get egg whites instead of eggs. You cut out some of the protein but you’ll cut out all the fat associated with the eggs. The amount of fat in an egg is nearly equivalent to the amount of protein in an egg. That same notion holds true for bacon as well. You won’t be able to cut out the fat of bacon but you can replace the food entirely. You may use more egg whites to do so. Stick with whole wheat bread as opposed to white wheat bread. Whole wheat foods contain slightly less fat but more vitamins.
With the sample breakfast I just provided I’d like to point out that the problem with most diets is that it contains an amount of fat people just don’t use. Cut out the fat and you’ll contribute to being slimmer. This does not mean you should be consuming 0 grams of fat for your meals, I’m just saying to eat less fat.
Weight loss through dieting only takes more time than accomplish than through dieting and exercising. If you're planning to be on a 3 meal diet weight loss will happen slower. The fastest and healthiest way to lose weight is through dieting and exercise.
You can always ask questions about this blog or anything else on my website.